This blog is dedicated to everyone, but mostly to those live-TV travellers
who criss-cross the country, providing you with all your favorite sporting events
while toiling under the harsh tyranny of the dreaded porta-potty.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15, 2010 - TEXAS MOTOR SPEEDWAY!

Just to give you a little bit of an idea of what we are dealing with here.

THIS is what our facilities look like (pretty much) at every track:


Let's go to the close up:

This is the ladies room.

I actually caught a dude coming out of that thing yesterday.
Totally busted.
Even the guy washing his hands was like, "'re gonna get it."
I told him the Pink Mafia was going to come after him.

Here's their leader:

Oh sure, she looks lovely, doesn't she? A total pussy cat! A doll!

Michelle will END you.
Michelle is our Production Manager and she is in charge. . . of the world.

If you are of the male gender, do NOT be seen by Michelle coming out of the women's porta-potty. I mean it. Seriously. No joke. You've been warned.

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