This blog is dedicated to everyone, but mostly to those live-TV travellers
who criss-cross the country, providing you with all your favorite sporting events
while toiling under the harsh tyranny of the dreaded porta-potty.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


For Texas Motorspeeday:

4 out of 5 bowls!

Texas gets dinged just one bowl because of the distance from
compound to bathrooms and because it was really cold and wet.
That's not the track's fault, but I don't really care, because
I hate being cold and wet, end of story.
TMS definitely went for quantity, and they succeeded, but it's not enough to go all the way.

The Starbucks Indicator

Dallas/Ft. Worth:

We did find a perfectly acceptable Starbucks in
the Albertson's down the street.
It was legit - not one of those "we proudly serve Starbucks coffee"
fake-assed Starbucks. They never have soy milk.

Future Starbucks indication prediction: rising

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