This blog is dedicated to everyone, but mostly to those live-TV travellers
who criss-cross the country, providing you with all your favorite sporting events
while toiling under the harsh tyranny of the dreaded porta-potty.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


It's raining.

In Texas.

A n y w a y. . .

I'm pretty optimistic about this track. Check it out:

The track (and by "the track" I mean "the real bathrooms") doesn't/don't look that far away, does/do it/them?

Not as close as Phoenix (you'll have to take my word for it, I didn't take a picture), but still pretty close.

(looks cloudy, no? That's because it's RAINING.)

See, it only took me 2 minutes to walk up to the pretend 99 car!

Saaayyyy...THIS looks promising!

Texas Motorspeedway definitely has their priorities straight!

And the ladies room does NOT disappoint!
Look at all those stalls:

But WAIT - there's more!

That's 2 - count 'em! - TWO full sides to this, ladies.
A modern engineering marvel.

And the best part is, most people don't look for the 2nd side. It's like your own private palace. . .
. . .a porcelain, concrete and metal palace, but a palace nonetheless.

However, I'm not sure if this reassures or scares me:

Hmm. . .

I'll let you be the judge.


  1. That's the lap of luxury right there...we should all move in.

  2. It was in Nashville where we did move in for a bit - tornado warning!!!
    We hung out in the can for about an hour waiting for the all clear.

    Not that great, acshuly.
